
Moto Canada issued the following statement in response to the Canadian Press on ATV Safety (Canadian Press, February 24, 2025)

Moto Canada, the country’s industry association representing the world’s leading powersport brands, takes the safety of Canada’s 1.35 million Off-Highway Vehicle users very seriously.  Our number one priority is to promote and encourage the safe and responsible use of off-highway vehicles (OHVs), which include ATVs, Side x Sides and off-road motorcycles. 

Our members hold a strong leadership position in establishing age restrictions, engine-size restrictions, speed restrictions, wearing of helmets and safety gear and usage recommendations — and our members continue to work with governments at all levels to ensure the continuous improvement of practical, workable and enforceable policies that will further rider safety.

Almost all factors contributing to rider injuries are preventable. Federal data reveals that riding under the influence of drugs and alcohol is implicated in approximately 51% of ATV-related deaths from 2013 to 2019. Poor driving decisions related to hazardous terrain and slippery conditions contribute to 33% of these fatalities. Other avoidable risk factors include not wearing helmets, lack of training, riding alone and unsupervised youth.

Moto Canada agrees that comprehensive safety measures and increased education campaigns to reduce off-road-related fatalities would likely help reduce injuries. This includes a close examination of non-Moto Canada member vehicles permitted into the Canadian market. Many OHV’s available in Canada sold as “toys” do not meet stringent Moto Canada standards.

Moto Canada industry members will continue to be good partners with government and others in the continuous review of safety standards for off-road riding, and they will continue to encourage the safe use of OHVs across Canada.